Monday, February 21, 2011

Thank You...

There are a couple of people I need to thank. First, Carol my wife, if she hadn't pushed me to do this I wouldn't have this great opportunity to network in a whole new way. Thank you!

Jean Massa without whom none of this would have been possible. What a talent she has, the beautiful work she has done is nothing short of magnificent. Keep an eye on our site, she is not done yet. Thank you!
Well here we go! Blogging and Facebook are some intimidating ideas to an old dog such as myself. However very excited to be stepping into the 21st century.
Right now I am focused on what Weber Metals can do to get people back to work to that note, we are developing new products and services to accommodate a new "greener" world. Helping the environment, the economy and our customers are just some of our goals.
Living one day at a time and and looking forward to whatever God has planned for His servant is an exciting way to live! Try it and you may find that he takes all of your concerns for the future away.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Welcome to our new blog!
Please be patient as we begin on this new venture of...