Friday, May 6, 2011

GET goes Bendable and Expandable

Green roofs have been popular in Europe since the 1970's. Today, Europeans have over 100 million square feet of planted roofs. Many of these systems are built-in-place on the roof, making them complex and expensive to install. Faced with soaring energy costs and stormwater management requirements, U.S. building designers and owners are turning to the GreenGrid® modular green roof system – the premier green roof system for high performance buildings.

GreenGrid® modular green roof system is a cost competitive alternative to traditional built-in-place green roofs. A GreenGrid® green roof is composed of a series of preplanted modules made of recycled plastics that can easily be placed directly on a roof or other structure with sufficient structural capacity. The system meets the needs and requirements of industrial/commercial, government, institutional, and residential buildings.

Weber has been in partnership with Green Grid producing their metal edge treatment for several years. We now have a variety of straight edge, mitres, and joiner pieces to offer. Our latest component is a bendable edge that can be shaped on location to fit curved landscapes.

What is Green Roof Edge Treatment?

Modular roof gardens are installed using plastic or metal trays. These trays are laid out in a grid pattern to create a garden. This leaves the sides of the trays exposed.

GET is designed to enhance the architectural beauty of your garden by providing an upright standing edge that enhances the beauty and stability of your garden.

It is available in three standard sizes and twenty-seven different colors. With our new GET-3, a bendable edge system that can be formed in the field to fit any shape or size, the possibilities are limited to the available space and your creativity!